Sunday, October 16, 2005

NAnt builds different then VS Environment?


I’m having some weird stuff happening today. I'm creating a slew of business domain objects by using the xsd's and then parsing them...transforming them via CodeDom into real first class business objects. I'm decorating each class: custom interfaces, extra methods...ICompare etc. Long story short I found that I had to create custom derived types...children if you will from some of them more prevalent types like the EntityId type.

public class MyDerivedType: EntityId{
public MyDerivedType():base{ }
public MyDerivedType(Guid objectId):base(object){}

Real simple classes but they allow me to use the composite pattern so that I can enlist each type in a tree…associated with a parent class.

When I compile my classes all 1000+ of them using NAnt version .85 I don’t get any intellisense on my new derived types. However if I use Visual Studio 2003 or 2005 I get my intellisense. Weird…so for some reason my NAnt build is not implementing a type resolver or something. The manifest is not correctly being constructed or something.

Anyone else getting this?

Saturday, October 15, 2005

My Lady the Love of my Life

A candid shot of my desk on a not so good or REALLY good day ....

My Black Beauty....04 Black Cobra

Blog Start - Hello World

Nothing to say really ... other then wow...gee it's a blog spot.